web app • healthcare • telemedicine • nonprofit

TeleHelp Ukraine

Improved translators’ efficiency and reduced the number of clicks by 33% for the availability feature in the internal web app


UX Designer, Interaction Designer, UI Designer, Researcher


Figma, Maze, Google Forms, Pitch, GitHub


Maryna Korzhyk (Lead Back-End Developer), Hyeonyoung Park (Front-End Developer)


November 2023 - March 2024


TeleHelp Ukraine (THU) connects Ukrainians needing medical assistance to US, Europe, and Ukraine-based physicians

Following the invasion of Ukraine, many people have lost healthcare access due to relocation and the destruction of medical facilities, and a team of Stanford medical students and clinicians initiated a solution to address this disparity.

The impact

video visits were provided to internally displaced persons and those near the front lines

over 3,000

of patients shared that their health problems were partially resolved during their visit


of patients shared that their health problems were completely resolved during their visit


The internal web app and the role of interpreters

The THU internal web app is designed to streamline and automate volunteer work. One of the integral parts of the internal system is managing the availability of interpreters to ensure their presence during appointments.

Interpreters help patients communicate with healthcare providers because most volunteer providers are based in the USA, and patients speak Ukrainian and/or Russian only.


The availability form required interpreters to click on each time slot individually and [most likely] manually cross-reference dates with a calendar to check the correct days of the week. This back-and-forth process was time-consuming and could lead to inaccurate entries.



I asked 7 interpreters about their experience with adding and removing availability in the app

The pain points

  • There are no days of the week, only dates

  • It requires a lot of clicking to select or deselect times

  • Adding and removing availability require different procedures

  • There is no option to remove multiple slots after submission, only cancel them one by one

What I recommended

These insights highlighted an opportunity to streamline the process by reducing the number of steps, decreasing cognitive load, and improving the overall ease of use.


Main features

Booked slots can’t be removed

The primary purpose of this feature is not to allow interpreters to remove the booked slot and forget about their scheduled appointment to avoid last-moment cancellations and rescheduling, which can negatively impact patients’ experience and disrupt providers’ schedules.


By redesigning the flow, we could speed up the process of filling out availability and decrease the number of clicks by 33%

With a faster and more intuitive process, interpreters can submit their availability with less effort and fewer errors, leading to more consistent and accurate scheduling. This minimizes scheduling gaps and improves the organization’s capacity to provide care for patients.

Interested to know more?

Feel free to reach out at oleksa.sokolova@gmail.com


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